© Pascal Bay header instrument panel aircraft pvs.aero

PBN for Users

Absorb and apply PBN in daily operations

The relationship between PBN and ATCOs/pilots has never been an easy one. At PVS our mission is to change that.
We start with a short introduction to PBN. We then focus on finding answers to the following questions:

  • How can airports use PBN to stabilise or even increase capacity?
  • How can PBN ease the work of ATCOs?
  • How does an ATCO’s work and workload change with PBN?
  • How do pilots use and interact with PBN?
  • What are the requirements for the aircraft to use PBN?

The practical side of PBN will be addressed from the pilot and ATCO perspective. There are advantages in using PBN in day-to-day business and we will shed light on how to use PBN to profit from these advantages.

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instrument panel aircraft pvs.aero