Flight Track Development

Enhance flight safety
using FMS codings for visual flight procedures
To facilitate visual flight manoeuvres, we support airlines by developing flight tracks with FMS codings as described by ICAO Circular 359 as RNP (VPT) or Company RNP Circling procedures. Proper coding of the lateral and vertical trajectory of a visual manoeuvre in the FMS can, if done correctly, help the pilot immensely to fly the optimal—and also the safest—trajectory on a very demanding approach type. FMS coded visual or circling approach procedures significantly reduce the number of unstable approaches leading to go-arounds or unsafe landings, and even TAWS warnings.
In addition to the development of flight tracks, PVS supports operators in:
- implementing RNP (VPT) in their flight operations by providing SOPs
- updating documentation
- defining RNP (VPT) maintenance and quality control
- organising pilot training
- defining charting requirements and standards